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Service Description: Block numbers for subdivisions in Vilas County, Wisconsin. This is only point data for identifying the blocks of recorded subdivisions, not the subdivision boundaries themselves.
All Layers and Tables Has Versioned Data: true
MaxRecordCount: 500
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: Block numbers for subdivisions in Vilas County, Wisconsin. This is only point data for identifying the blocks of recorded subdivisions, not the subdivision boundaries themselves.
Service Item Id: a8f744f7d3de4b9e8ca455f4316c891a
Copyright Text: Vilas County Land Information
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: 500359.2828561401
YMin: 105472.58029977525
XMax: 503280.1161894735
YMax: 107670.4969664419
Spatial Reference: 103463
Full Extent:
XMin: 335075.75534924865
YMin: 100069.27455565333
XMax: 545005.023153916
YMax: 230246.46334773302
Spatial Reference: 103463
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Subdivision Blocks
Comments: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><DIV><P><SPAN>Block numbers for subdivisions in Vilas County, Wisconsin. This is only point data for identifying the blocks of recorded subdivisions, not the subdivision boundaries themselves.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
Subject: Block numbers for recorded subdivisions for Vilas County, Wisconsin.
Keywords: Vilas,Subdivision,Parcel,Block
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : true
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
Extract Changes